Thursday, March 17, 2011

Longing for Green

The five foot (six?) snowbank in our yard has finally melted.  In its place is a lot of brown grass.  I'm longing for green grass, leaves on trees and my peonies in bloom (unfortunately those are the only flowers we have in our yard...for now). 

From the home I grew up in

I was pleasantly surprised to find a lone peony bush on the side of our house last year when we moved in.  They are my favorite flower.  I ordered two more and planted them in the fall.  I'm crossing my fingers they all bloom this year!  

More Green loves:

1 comment:

Sheryl/Mom/Grandma said...

Green is one of my favorite colors, it reminds me of growing things. Peonies are flowers that you never see in AZ. You'll have to send me pictures of yours!