Friday, March 22, 2013

We did Disney - Day 4

Day four (Sunday) we went to the Animal Kingdom park.  This was the only Disney property that I hadn't been to before, so it was a new experience for all of us.  I had read that as soon as you get to the park, head back to the safari ride, partly because the line builds up quickly, and because you are most likely to catch all the animals outdoors early in the morning.


The safari ride was really cool.  Can you imagine how cool a real safari would be?  Put it on the bucket list.

There was also a petting zoo area for the kids.  Baby girl loves her some animals, so she was all about petting the goats, sheep and pig.
 I'm going to guess that Claire was asleep in the stroller for this shot.  Just go with it. 
 This was waiting for the Bug's Life show.  James still talks about this one, mainly because we were sitting in the front row and got a face full of water at the end!

I'm super-proud of James for going on the Expedition Everest roller coaster!  I tried really hard to get a photo of Chris and James coming down, but failed because I was messing with my phone (mom fail).  He liked it, but not enough to ride it again with me, so I went by myself.  

Animal Kingdom was fun, but a half-ish day there was enough for us.  This was actually Super Bowl Sunday, so we made our way back to the hotel to watch the game in our room.  
 "This is how we Super Bowl" via Instagram

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I'm sure the lions were taking good care of Claire ;)