Monday, February 11, 2013

We did Disney - Day 2

We started day 2 with a later start and breakfast at Chef Mickey's in the Contemporary Resort.  The character meals are a great way to catch characters that are hard to find at the parks, like Mickey!

 Claire was not a fan of the characters!

I'm not usually a fan of buffets, but the food was really good.  And buffets turned out to be the best thing with Claire along.  She was going through a growth spurt the entire week and ate everything we put in front of her.  

After our morning at Chef Mickey's we headed to Epcot.
I haven't been to Epcot in over 15 years (since a high school band trip), and didn't remember anything that was at the park.  The Nemo ride was a huge hit with Claire.  She loves all things animals (and fish!).

I had one ride that I really wanted to go on, Soarin', which takes you through California like you are hang gliding.  We successfully checked that off the list.  Epcot doesn't have a ton to offer those with kids, so all in all we spent about a half day there.  

Next we head to the beach! 


Kelly said...

I think Claire is getting a fish tank for her next birthday from Aunt Kelly! The pictures look great!

Sheryl/Mom/Grandma said...

Looks like James loved the characters. (How many pastries were on that plate??) Claire loved the fish. Precious baby girl.