Thursday, March 15, 2012

February Favorites

Also known as Arizona Part 1, because aside from Valentine's Day and my birthday, not a lot happened that I can remember! 

1. Friday Night Lights
In January I got caught up on Mad Men.  In February I watched the entire Friday Night Lights series.  LOVED IT.  Great cast, great writing, and it has a little football thrown in too. 

2. Getting the basement cleaned up.  All the boxes from our move (almost two years ago) are unpacked and the crawl space has been organized with all the stuff we need to store. 

We will probably start on a basement remodel sometime this year, which will include taking down the wall separating the main room and the "bedroom" (which will be the kids play area), paint, new carpet, fixing the drop ceiling and adding lots of storage. 

3. And then we went to Arizona.  I flew by myself with James and Claire and called it a huge success that no one had to use the restroom on the plane, Claire didn't poop on me or cry really at all, James stayed in his seat the entire time watching movies on the iPad ( investment ever) and that all our stuff made it in one piece.

4. Story Time at the library.  As a working mom James misses out on all the activities at our library here, but we made sure to go while we were in AZ with cousin Tessa.  It also saved me from bringing a ton of books from home.

5. Aunt Kelly took James and Tessa to the Arizona Museum of Natural History, and James loved it.  He got to see dinosaurs, pan for gold, dig for dinosaur bones and touch dinosaur poop (really?).  He couldn't stop talking about it and wants to go back. 

6. Joe's Farm Grill: Seriously good burgers and onion rings.  I was supposed to be losing more weight while in AZ, this meal contributed to only losing a half pound...but worth it!

7. Getting to run outside.  It was slow going, but I was able to get several runs in (not as many as I had hoped though, hence only losing a half pound, but a girls got to have some fun while on vacation)

8. Open Gym: James loves gymnastics so taking advantage of the open gym with Tessa and her friend Talon was great fun

9. Playing with Tessa.  What a difference a year makes!  They got along great this year and James was constantly asking when we were going to Tessa's house.

10. Claire, who still loves to sleep and cuddle

11. SWIMMING!  Who can say that they went swimming outside in February?  Us, that's who!

Much more on the AZ trip to come!

1 comment:

Sheryl/Mom/Grandma said...

It really was wonderful to see how well James and Tessa played together this year. The cousins love each other! We really did pack a lot of fun into that two weeks, wish we could just keep doing it :)