Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

Chris took the "Labor" part a little too seriously. 

3.5 full days of work took us from this:

To this:

Next spring we'll hopefully have a full yard of grass and we'll focus on the backyard landscaping (and hopefully get that deck painted). 

My labor was spent indoors cleaning the house.  I'm calling the cleaners first thing Tuesday morning, because I am so over cleaning house and will happily pay someone else to do it.  After a complete breakdown this afternoon Chris has agreed that we'll be doing something fun next weekend.  Good thing because the only pictures I have from the last month+ are of the deer in our backyard! 

Hope your Labor Day was a little less labor and a lot more fun : )


Sheryl/Mom/Grandma said...

But it looks really nice! Hope that you get to have some real fun this weekend!

Kelley said...

WOW. That looks like it was a lot of work. Fun to change it up, though!