Monday, March 28, 2011

Weekend Recap / Sick Day

Chris' parents visited this weekend.

James sounded like he was coming down with something on Thursday night.  By the time I got home on Friday he was 100% sick with a fever and runny nose.  We canceled our plans for Saturday.

Instead we went out to breakfast, and on our way back to the car James fell head-first up a flight of concrete stairs, unable to brace himself because his hands were in his pockets.  Add a busted lip, bloody nose and scraped nose and forehead to the list of weekend ailments. 

It is still really cold here in Chicago.  

Sick kid + Cold weather = We watched a lot of basketball this weekend.  The Jayhawks lost.  I'm boycotting basketball for the rest of the year. 

It is now Monday night and James still has a fever (sick day number two tomorrow).  Chris is out of town.  Parenthood rocks. 

poor sick boy

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